Stitch No. 13

Plastic flower buds

Number of stitches: multiple of 8

Horizontally follow the symbols of the chart from right to left. Empty squares have no meaning for knitting. Knit as if they were not there. Horizontally repeat the section of the graphic chart between the vertical green lines.
Follow the rows vertically from bottom to top, repeating rows 1 to 20.
Only right side rows (odd numbers) are shown in the graphic description,
In wrong side rows work all stitches as they appear.

Graphic chart:

Symbols in this chart:
– knit 1
– purl 1
vzor 13-zn-1na5 – Make 5 stitches from 1 (insert the needle into the stitch, pick up the yarn and do not drop the stitch from the left needle. Pick up the yarn 4 times more alternately from the back and front, only then drop the original stitch from the left needle – the video-help shows the procedure for increasing 1 stitch to 2 stitches. 5 stitches will be created in a similar way)
– knit 2 together
– slip, slip, knit slipped stitches togeter (video-help)
– slip slip slip knit slipped stitches together (video-help)
–  Empty square: no stitch, it is just for graphic look.

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