Stitch No. 6

Openwork diamonds

Openwork diamond pattern for children’s and women’s pullovers and t-shirts.

Number of stitches: multiple of 10 +1

Horizontally follow symbols in the graphic chart from right to left. Work first the stitches before the right arrow, then repeat the section of the graph shown between the arrows and end the row with the stitches shown behind the left arrow.

Vertically follow the rows from bottom to top, repeating rows 1 to 12.
There are only right side rows shown in the graphic chart, purl all stitches in the wrong side.

Graphic chart:

Symbols in this chart:
– knit 1
– make 1
– knit 2 together
– slip, slip, knit slipped stitches togeter (video-help)
– centered double decrease: slip 2 together, knit 1, pass the slipped stitches over (together) (video-help)

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